Sunday 20 March 2011

Design Methods Springboard and Storyline

Not a long blogpost from me this time, just more of an update from me on a piece of work, namely my design methods storyboard work. A few weeks back now we were told to make our characters (as seen in an earlier blog post) and then after that we were told to make a springboard of a story and a 2-page storyline with these characters.

Overall, I have to say, while I do like my story idea, I have to admit that it feels 'squished' as in a lot happens in a short space of time and a 'whole story' seems to be played out. The reason for this is, as you know, I like story of games and other media - story is gooooood - and as a result I can only seem imagine long, vivid stories that play out across a long period of time... Therefore, if I didn't squish my story down I'd either have a lot happening with no prior establishment of setting and characters or nothing happening at all but the characters and setting being established in-depth - as I didn't want either of these I had to compromise, thus it seems like a lot is happening over a short period of time and there is a quick build-up and resolution but I feel it still works.

Here is my springboard followed by the storyline.

It is a normal day for Tyser who is hanging out with his friends at the park, his day isn’t going too well and he can’t wait to realise his dream and leave the hustle and bustle of the city behind him. A chance encounter with Envail changes his life forever as his world is beset with a Demon Apocalypse and he is left to fend for himself, learn to cope in the world and discover how it happened. He evades the demons and remembers what he had learnt that day about the ancient battle that had taken place at the nearby ruins and remembers Envail who hinting at its significance. There, he encounters Envail once more, overcoming him and ultimately sending the Demons back to where they came. Tyser is then left to look at the remains of the city before him and decide how to start his life again for the better.

The story starts with Tyser hanging out in the park with his 3 best friends, Reiki, Senton and Pherris. Tyser has had one of the worst days of his life and they are discussing what Tyser’s father referred to as ‘real-life skills’ with Tyser’s friends mocking him about the fact that it’s right and what does it matter if it is true. Tyser jokingly goes along with it to an extent as a result of the carefree-aloof demeanour that he has developed as result of to hide his fear.

After this joking around, Tyser and his friends decide that they are going to head into town to look around shops and try and get Tyser’s mind off what his Father said to him. His friends head off first with Tyser following closely after them, as they leave the park Tyser accidentally walks into a man who proceeds to turn and look at him with a silent hatred. Tyser instantly acts to attack the man as he believes it is his fault – the man, Envail, doesn’t answer and barely even acknowledges that Tyser is talking to him.

After continued persistence from Tyser to get him to talk and apologise the man eventually starts talking but only talks cryptically and confuses Tyser. Tyser and his friends eventually arrive in the centre of town but before they can do anything the sky starts to go unusually dark and red confusing everyone, especially Tyser as Envail had said something cryptic along those lines. However, despite this anxiety, nothing that Tyser says makes people believe him about what may potentially happen.

In the next instance, an odd runic symbol appears in the town centre, from out of which a flood of demons begins to pour. The populace go into a panic and many of which are slaughtered in the initial swarm that is unleashed. Tyser and his friends attempt to flee to safety, utilising back alleys as narrow walkways where demons cannot fit. However, unbeknownst to them Envail has been watching the situation and, realising that Tyser is the boy that hit him earlier and upset his concentration sets more intelligent demons on them.

The more intelligent demon manages to separate Tyser from his friends by destroying nearby buildings and subsequently proceeds to kill Tyser’s friends as Tyser watches. As his friends are being eaten by a subsequent rush of demons attracted by the smell of death, Tyser manages to hide himself away in a small building that looks ruined.

While Tyser is in the building he has a series of flash backs of his time with his friends and family as it dawns upon him that the world that he has always wanted to get away from has fallen around him and he is not ready to set out on his own yet. This concludes with him sobbing himself to sleep as he hears endless screams around him.

Envail is next seen at the ancient ruins outside the city surrounded by numerous demons. He starts talking to himself about what he has achieved by utilising the lingering power in the ruins while he then contemplates more possible theories that he can put into effect before laughing hysterically about what he has done. The demons look at him with contempt, wanting to attack Envail but being unable to attack him due to the nature of their return. Envail taunts them for this fact as is his cruel nature.

Tyser then awakes the next morning and cautiously exits his hiding place to see the city around him. The streets are littered with the bodies of the dead and buildings like broken, he sees no other signs of survivors, though he sees no demons immediately in sight either. He begins to wonder through the streets and visiting places he once knew, eventually ending up in the tower structure where his house was located. Despite knowing that there is little-to-no chance of any of his family surviving he has to see his family to know for sure. At a couple of points along this journey he avoids the odd demon or two.

Upon arriving in his family home he can’t find the corpses of his mother and father, though there are visible signs of a struggle, but he does find the corpse of his old tutor. He is brought back to the lesson he had the day before about the old ruins and the unknown entities that once fought there, alongside this he remembers talking to Envail and starts to put two and two together.

Despite this, he doesn’t believe he can do anything about it as is he is just one person amidst demonic entities, defenceless and against someone with the mind and capacity to summon them in the first place. Before he can think any further a demon bursts through the window but rather than kill him it curiously knocks him out and carries him away.

Tyser then awakens in the old ruins surrounded by several demons with Envail at their head. He expresses his surprise at the fact that out of all the survivors captured it was Tyser whom he had spoken to before. He begins to explain to him what he has done with the demons and why and what he intends to do with Tyser. He is going to attempt a psychological breakdown to see if it influences the demons on what they can do.

Envail proceeds to use his knowledge to try and break Tyser’s spirit and psychologically torture him. He succeeds in numerous ways which seems to make the demons revel, making Envail happy as it seems his theory is about to be realised. He ends up accidentally delving into Tyser’s psyche so much that he inadvertently makes his aloof persona take prominence which upsets Envail’s testing.

As his theory is failing the demons become more and more agitated ultimately ignoring the fact that they shouldn’t/can’t attack Envail, but by doing so they sever the link between Ethra and the Demon world, causing them to get sent back. Envail, enraged, sets off cursing Tyser but ultimately depressed that his theories cannot be realised.

Tyser then heads to a hill overlooking the city, thinking about the future and what awaits him and, renewed with his aloof persona being dominant now, he looks out to the future and heads off to make what he can of himself.

So, anyways 'til next time - that's all folks!

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