Thursday 5 May 2011

And so the blogs of my first year of Uni come to an end... onto films!

Tomorrow is the day that the work on my blog is taken away and marked for academic purposes and as a result this is going to be my last blog post from my first year of Uni... it's hard to think that in  just over 2 weeks my entire university course first year will be over... it's been such a fun time and have met some awesome people though doing so...

Anyways, as my year one farewell has pretty much been said, onto my final blog post which is one that based on films... I am doing this as I thought I had done one on films but it turns out I haven't - I've done music and TV (Monty Python in particular) and so onto films we go. In a similar manner to my friend Matthew who is on my course too I thought I would do a series of top 10 or top 5 films of various types. I will explain at the end of each type why I like the number 1 film of that category the most... just because I can... so without further delay lets go on.

Top 5 Action Films
  1. Underworld
  2. Sin City
  3. Equilibrium
  4. The Matrix Reloaded
  5.  Face/Off
Underworld is possibly my favourite film ever... while I admit it is flawed in certain areas I just can't help but love it to death. It is the film the propelled my love of Vampires to new levels until I became a Vampire fanatic. It is a brilliant action film about the war between vampires and werewolves (or Lycans as they are called) starring Kate Beckinsale as the Heroine 'Selene' (in a nice leather outfit I might add ;)... anyway...) - it has awesome action scenes, an interesting plot and storyline... it is an epic film.

 Top 5 Comedy Films
  1. Hot Fuzz
  2. Dodgeball
  3. Anchorman
  4. The Mask
  5. Dogma
Hot Fuzz is like the ultimate comedy film. Starring Simon Pegg and Nick Frost and being the second in their Blood and Ice-Cream trilogy along with director Edgar Wright it is a comedy film about the police service and the mysterious murders going on in a supposedly quiet rural town. It is very well written and is just a joy to watch, plus at the end an epic amount of action is projected into the mix making the film just superb.

Top 5 Comic Book/Superhero Films
  1. Kick-Ass
  2. Blade
  3. X-Men: The Last Stand
  4. Spider-Man
  5. Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World
Kick-Ass is a film based off the comic series of the same name made by Mark miller and John Romita Jr. It is a comic series notorious for its violence, language and, in-particular, it's young child assassin Hit-Girl. The film of the comic was developed alongside the comic and is a very faithful adaptation that changes the story in certain places but only to make it work on film. The film mixes a great amount of comedy and action to create an excellent film... and failing that you get to watch Chloe Moretz as Hit-Girl which is just pure epicness in a can.

Top 3 'Epic' Films
  1. Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
  2. Avatar
  3. Gladiator
Epic films are often a great mixture of many things but ultimately they are lengthy films that focus on the story and the events of what it was that took place. They provide a great sense of drama and are good at making you feel and believe in what you are seeing, immersing you in the world even if it is fantasy. Lord of the rings does this better than any film I've ever watched, closely followed by Avatar - you believe you are in Middle-Earth undertaking the journey with Frodo... The only reason I picked top 3 here is because, due to the nature of the films, I haven't seen many of them.

Top 5 James Bond Films
  1. Goldeneye
  2. License to Kill
  3. Live and Let Die
  4. Moonraker
  5. The World is not Enough
The James Bond franchise has 22 films in it now and, being a massive James Bond film fan, it would shameful not to include them in their own top 10. Goldeneye was my first experience with James  Bond and for that alone it will hold its own place in my heart, but above that it had some of the best villains in a bond films and it introduced Pierce Brosnan to the world of James Bond and he is, in my opinion, the best James Bond of them all.

Top 5 'Other' Films
  1. Pulp Fiction
  2. Fight Club
  3. Reservoir Dogs
  4. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
  5. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Other films is just a place for films that are not any genre in-particular (just masterpieces of film-making) or I don't have enough films of that type to make it its own category. Pulp Fiction is regarded by many as one of the best pieces of film-making there is and it easily Quentin Tarantino's best work - no questions asked. It's hard to place your finger on why it is so good... it just is - it is brilliantly unwritten and the way the plot unfolds in Tarantino's mismatched fashion of jumping back and forth across characters makes it a work of art.

Top 5 Horror/Gore Films
  1. Halloween (Original Version)
  2. 28 Days Later
  3. Saw
  4. Wrong Turn
  5. The Ring (Japanese Version)
I do like horror/gore films very much, but due to the nature of them it is hard to pick why I like them or what makes them good films... I guess whatever makes you wince, jump or feel suspense the most is what makes them work. In Halloween, John Carpenter began a film franchise that, over time has steadily declined but began with an epic horror film that made you do all the things mentioned above.. especially all the while as you had the white-faced terror that was Michael Myers chasing after you all the way through to the end... being seemingly indestructible.

Top 5 Game Films/Game Adaptations
  1. Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
  2. Resident Evil
  3. Doom
  4. Tomb Raider
  5. Pokemon: The First Movie
Game films are known for often not being very good amongst critics... this is for various reasons... a lot of the time I don't see the films as bad films in their own right but not as good as the games on which they are based... guess that's the Games Designer in me though. Its obvious Advent Children would be my favourite Game film given my love of Final Fantasy but despite this I actually believe it is a very good film for numerous reasons. It is a CGI marvel with stunning visuals, it has one of the best cast of voice actors I have ever heard with each person making the characters their own and it actually has some very well done sections of action and dialogue.

Top 10 Films of all Time
  1. Underworld
  2. Kick-Ass
  3. Sin City
  4. Goldeneye
  5. Avatar
  6. The Matrix Reloaded
  7. Pulp Fiction
  8. Blade
  9. Hot Fuzz
  10. Lord of the Ring: Return of the King
So there we have it, my top films of every type that I could think of or care to write about in this blog post... So, anyways, 'til next time - that's all folks!


  1. Underworld?

    Adam, i am dissapoint

  2. Hot Fuzz lower than The Matrix Reloaded? That's the only film I ever fell asleep in.

    Not trying to call anyone out for thier tastes though I guess
